Other Services

Solid Waste Management

MKI is a leading provider of comprehensive Solid Waste Management solutions that prioritize environmental  sustainability and community well-being. Our integrated approach  encompasses  waste collection, transportation, treatment, disposal, and recycling, delivering  efficient  and  environmentally sound services. By leveraging advanced technologies and sustainable  practices,  we optimize waste  management  processes, reduce  environmental impact, and  contribute  to  a  cleaner  and  healthier living environment. Our commitment to circular economy principles drives  innovation  and resource recovery, creating value from waste  and  minimizing  landfill dependency. 


Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management

MKI is a dedicated steward of biodiversity and ecosystems, offering comprehensive management solutions to protect  and  restore   our  planet's  natural  heritage.  Our expertise lies in conducting thorough biodiversity assessments, developing and implementing conversation strategies, and monitoring ecosystem health. By combining scientific rigor with practical implementation, we deliver tangible results that contribute to sustainable development. Our commitment to collaborative partnerships with local communities and stakeholders ensures that our works is grounded in shared values and long-term impact. 


Remote Sensing, Satellite Image Analysis and GIS

MKI is a pioneer in harnessing the power of geospatial technology to deliver unparalleled insights, leveraging the transformative power of AI technology to interpret  and  manage  large-scale  spatial  data. Our  expertise  in  Remote Sensing,  Satellite  Image  Analysis, and  GIS,  enhanced by  the integration of GeoAI, enables us to transform complex data into actionable information. By combining advanced image processing techniques with sophisticated spatial analysis, we provide precise and timely solutions for a wide range of challenges. MKI is committed to empowering  our  clients  with  data-driven  strategies  that  improve  resource  efficiency  and promote sustainable growth. Our geospatial solutions not only provide a detailed understanding  of  the  present  but  also  predict  future  trends,  enabling  proactive planning and intelligent resource management.


Environmental DNA (eDNA) Analysis

MKI is at the forefront of revolutionizing environmental assessment through our cutting-edge eDNA analysis services. By harnessing the power of genetic information, we unlock hidden biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics. Our non-invasive approach enables efficient, accurate, and comprehensive species detection across diverse environments. From aquatic ecosystems to terrestrial  habitats, our  eDNA  expertise  delivers  actionable  insights  for water  quality  management,  agriculture,  and environmental research. As pioneers in Myanmar's eDNA landscape, we have established robust protocols for  sample  collection  and  export,  while  fostering  local laboratory capacity. Our vision is to lead advanced eDNA research and applications, contributing to a deeper understanding of Myanmar's biodiversity and supporting sustainable development initiatives. 


Capacity Development & Trainings

MKI  specializes  in  delivering  impactful  Capacity  Development  and  Training  programs  with  a strong focus on environmental and social safeguards, as well as livelihood restoration and sustainability. Our tailored training solutions empower individuals and organizations to effectively manage environmental and social risks, implement resettlement plans, and build resilient communities. By equipping stakeholders with the necessary knowledge and skills, we contribute to the successful implementation of sustainable development projects.


Project Evaluation and Review

MKI conducts rigorous Mid-Term and End-Line Evaluations that adhere to OECD development evaluation criteria. Our  assessments  measure  program  effectiveness,  relevance,  efficiency, impact, and sustainability. By employing a mixed-methods approach and advanced data analysis, we provide actionable insights to optimize program performance. Our evaluations foster learning, accountability, and evidence-based decision-making, ensuring that programs deliver maximum impact and value for investment.





1Study on Measures to improve Industrial Waste Management utilizing Digital Transformation (DX) for Waste Management & Waste Re-use for Cement ProductionNippon Koei Co., Ltd.
2Environmental-DNA (e-DNA)Nippon Koei Research and Development (R&D) Center
3Remote Sensing and Land Classification Research Services for Study on the Relationship between Electricity Demand and Land Uses in MyanmarINGO