Topographic Utilities Surveys, and Geological Investigation for ROB 4: Myoma Kyaung Road, ROB 5: Pyay Road Bridge, ROB 7: Baho Road, ROB 12: Hledan Station, ROB 17: Radio Station Road Bridge and ROB 18: Thudhamma Road Bridge
Project Brief:
Myanmar Railways intends to develop public spaces around key YCR stations following transit-oriented development (TOD) principles with effective land value capture (LVC) and mobilization of private capital to increase the economic and financial viability of YCR and maximize the local accessibility benefits of a mass transit system. The project involves upgrading of the railway stations of the Yangon Circular Railway (YCR).
Sector | Survey and Investigation |
Sector Description | In order to ensure quality and consistency with the design team, MKI possesses a drone and other equipment for survey and investigation and organized its own survey and investigation team MKI has conducted many survey and investigation services including general topographic mapping, 3D mapping by drone, and geotechnical investigation. |
Sub-sector | Survey |
Project name | Topographic Utilities Surveys, and Geological Investigation for ROB 4: Myoma Kyaung Road, ROB 5: Pyay Road Bridge, ROB 7: Baho Road, ROB 12: Hledan Station, ROB 17: Radio Station Road Bridge and ROB 18: Thudhamma Road Bridge |
Project Location and Timeline | Project Location: Yangon, Myanmar Project Period: |
Client | Myanma Railway |
Finance | Myanma Railway |
Services | Topographic Survey |